Dr. Dan’s Health & Business Power Hour Ep. 1 – Nate Worrall

Dr. Dan’s Health and Business Power Hour is for YOU the people, our community, and small to large Businesses to learn tips and tricks from local business owners to Global leaders in health, marketing, and business. Our mission is to help you optimize your health, wealth, and overall Prosperity!

Intern Nate 0:42
All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first ever podcast. This is going to be Dr. Dan’s Power Hour here with intern Nate and the doctor himself say Hello, doctor.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 0:53
Hello. All right. So

Intern Nate 0:56
why are we studying this podcast um, I really wants you to start out with Why do you want to start this podcast?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 1:03
Well, this is the perfect time to actually start a podcast because we got a lot of people that are out there that are bored and they’re listening, listening in on whatever they can to learn about whether it’s the Coronavirus or taking some time to take it some time to learn new things will they actually have some extra time and it’s a good time to get out there and interact with the community and other small businesses. And see, try to get some feedback to see what the community is needing, as well as how they’re feeling and see what we can do to support that.

Intern Nate 1:54
I like that. I like that a lot. Tell me about your background and your new location.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 1:59
Hear I know that we just moved you and I personally, I guess on a personal note, we’ve been doing this

Intern Nate 2:04
together for about 678 months now eight

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 2:07
or nine months. Yeah. Sounds like sounds like that number. Wow.

Intern Nate 2:11
Yeah, well, but in this process together, we’ve moved we’ve moved locations. We’ve gone through just about everything and back in we’ve survived totally. We’re

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 2:21
still alive. Yeah, Chroma hasn’t gotten.

Intern Nate 2:25
So tell me about it. Tell me about background new location what

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 2:29
we’re doing my background. My background, I guess. I’m actually I’m actually kind of a rough neck from the country. No believe that. But I grew up close to the Canadian border in the middle of the woods, and we raised sheep and chickens and my dad was a sled dog racer with 70 Siberian Huskies, so like it’s kind of odd that I am where I am right now. But like I’m a hillbilly from Northern North Dakota, that became a chiropractor started his own business and is growing it and we’re spreading the word across not only Fargo Morehead but wherever we can get get near from to help with healthcare and get help with healthcare and our help businesses to help people with their health to get up to keep our to get a pulse on on what people are wanting out there and these crazy transitioning times. We not only have like the Coronavirus pandemic going on but like the world is changing in itself from From the baby boomers to like the technology age, and and the, what do they call them, Nate? Well, they call you the generation of the millennials, the millennials, the millennials and those, those generate or I think I’m Generation X Yeah. There’s something Generation

Intern Nate 4:21
X and

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 4:22
but I’ve also learned Generation Z,

Intern Nate 4:24
correct? No, that’s why Generation Y.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 4:28
That’s the nobody cares about x and z, but they just care about millennials. But, so we’re which I actually am. Technically, I’m kind of in the gray area. But I my other my my medical background is I was an athletic training major at NDSU for three years and then I went on to chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences in Minneapolis. completed my bachelor’s and eye care doctor chiropractic degree in about six, six and six years and a couple months. It takes us It takes people like eight or nine years. I got school continental Europe to figure to get my boards done and figure out where I want to go next in life. I ended up back in Fargo here because I had a lot of friends and working for a clinic in town and I’ve never been the type to I’m not a good employee, but I’m a good

Intern Nate 5:45
you’re a good self employee and a good self.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 5:47
Yeah, really well when you work. I’m definitely entrepreneur like a more of a visionary. Creative creative I would say and, and I have that like hard farm work ethic drilled into me for years and years. So I’ve been a chiropractor for 10 years, we just recently moved over to our new location in West Fargo. Balance chiropractic rehab now but we’re transitioning into a integrative practice we’re bringing in a nurse practitioner in the future, offer primary health care to people since the big hospital systems don’t really offer that very well anymore. You don’t get your own doctor and and things get missed a lot. And we’re here to change that. We’re here to Chico person and we’re going to do some More, we’re going to get into the next in next year, year to two years we’re going to get into different alternative therapies and some more modern therapies. One of them will be like medical marijuana, we’re looking at that. To treat pain and also cancer, symptoms of cancer and different disorders like that. And, and, as well as it can be used for lots of different things like different like psychological disorders, anxiety, depression. That’s one thing. We’re looking at the near future, to become one of the first clinics to offer that in town. And then we also use town only people from the country say that. The next thing that we’re going for, the next thing that we’re going to get into is regenerative medicine. I do work with a clinic in Mexico that I, I refer patients to that will treat anything from like autism, to multiple sclerosis to cancer to different psychological disorders and especially joint disorders. We do that but we’re or do we refer to them now? They’re kind of like the Cadillac of like stem cell therapy, but we’re gonna start offering like playroom, platelet rich plasma therapy as well as out of August stem so therapy that we can do it in the US that’s cheaper. That will allow like, athletes from, you know, the third in their 30s to like keeping active and even adults in the ages of 40 5060 to like avoid knee replacements, hip replacements, different things like that. We want to be an all encompassing clinic here. And we’re just taking it one step at a time. And it’s it’s starting to come together and we’re excited for the future. So you’re saying a little bit about integrative practices, and

Intern Nate 9:31
the world is changing every day, and the younger generations coming up and they’re gonna need new and better things. And just as a whole, I guess the whole world, you could almost say is changing and innovating every day. With that kind of in mind, what do you think, has been the challenging the most rewarding part of switching your practice from more of like, your basic chiropractic practice to something more integrative something more, you Unique, something more niche per se?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 10:03
Well, I’m kind of a I’m one of those people like that likes to be on the edge of innovation Yeah. As much as possible and to be the first to try new things. Because there are a lot of things out there that can help people and there are a lot of people that are suffering. And if there’s one thing that I was here to do is to help people is what I’ve found out through the years. And and that’s what I plan to do. And we want to move Fargo out of you know, out of want to get people in the Fargo Moorhead area

Intern Nate 11:00
options like do you think that Fargo has a really restricted chiropractic?

Okay, maybe not restrictions right word but like limited per se. Do you think that in Fargo per se i guess it were maybe in the Midwest, you could even take it as there’s just a limitation of health

services. I think we’re on the edge of like, a new era in health.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 11:28
Yeah, we’re on the edge of a new era in health and I want to help Usher that in and right now yeah, like the Midwest generally is more conservative. So we get to that stuff. That’s that comes to us last, and we need people we have people that need that right now. Because health is your biggest asset when if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Yeah, and It’s my goal to help as many people out there as we possibly can.

Intern Nate 12:08
How’s it going so far? Do you feel like you’ve made a really good impact in the Fargo Moorhead area? I feel like you have just from an outsider’s perspective of someone on the outside looking in, I think that you have changed a lot of lives at least in the nine months that we’ve been together. I feel like you’ve changed a lot of lives and impact a lot of people yeah,

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 12:27
like we open the eyes to a lot of people. The biggest thing I hear from patients that bothers me the most is like, my normal pain. I just, I I hate that phrase. Like people shouldn’t be in pain all the time, but like in the Midwest here, or in the Midwest, we are so stoic and and don’t want to, you know, show our weaknesses. And we want to like keep a good face and be like everybody else. Which is it’s not authentic and like, we don’t need to do that anymore. That’s part of like this new generation that we’re moving into, like, we want to be able to be who we are and enjoy the life that we have. Yep, Mm hmm. Instead of falling back on all the old traditions, even though those traditions are good, they give us structure. But I think they hold us back in certain ways also. Yeah.

Intern Nate 13:34
So what a world we’re living in right now, Corona virus. Oh my Lord. Oh my god,

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 13:39
the corona. Corona. So we write

Intern Nate 13:41
the corona. Corona. What’s your take on it?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 13:45
Yeah, My take is like there’s two different it’s, it’s kind of like it’s kind of what’s that movie with the vampires is like two different Oh, Twilight. It’s kind of like Twilight. Like there’s two different was it close? parties are

Intern Nate 14:03
two different new talking vampires and werewolves. Well, not like Twilight, not Twilight

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 14:08
Twilight, but like there’s people in this group and this other group. I don’t know what the word they use for this team. Team. x Yeah,

Intern Nate 14:19
Team Jacob.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 14:20
Yeah. Yeah, that’s what you got. That’s what it’s like. There’s two teams here. And it seems like it depends on how much the fear yep rises, which it does, like every week. There’s team like, scared shitless that like stays inside and watches the media and like, counts the numbers and the curve and like, puts, puts it into their calculators and like, and figures out like, what the next wave is gonna be and this and that and like, it’s still But I think it’s it’s ridiculous because as a trained medical practitioner, where you’re getting for the media is already old news. Yeah. And you could take whatever numbers they say you could probably multiply those by four or five maybe even 10. And if the if the virus is as viral as they say it is which they may or may not know, because it changes every single day.

Intern Nate 15:32
Well, did you see that those Tigers got affected Tigers Yeah. first case of Tigers that got infected in the zoo

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 15:41
Oh, I thought you were talking about the tiger a tiger shorebirds?

Intern Nate 15:44
oh no not taking

no Yeah, I saw that I saw today on Twitter. First case. I’ll see if I can try to find the article again. I don’t know if it’s reputable or not but first case of animals with the Coronavirus.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 15:59
Okay. So So what happened to them?

Intern Nate 16:02
I honestly didn’t look too far into it. Let me get back to me on that get

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 16:04
back to me on that way. So Coronavirus you know the common cold is a Coronavirus, Corona. I believe in in Greek It stands for the sun or rays of the sun. Maybe it says for rays. You can fact check that if you’d like. But it’s a cold virus is an upper respiratory cold virus, that it’s novel, which means it’s new. it you know, according to CDC, and the end the who the who, World Health Organization, it’s gonna affect 70% of the people. We’re gonna catch it just like we catch the cold every year. Just like some people catch the flu every year or not every year though, every year but like, you’re gonna get it, but like what’s gonna happen is is Is the definitive thing like, what are you going to do? So it doesn’t affect your lungs. That’s what people need to think about. And that’s what they don’t say anything about, on anything I’ve listened to, they just say hide in your house, and you’ll be okay. Which you’re not like, it’s gonna still affect you. There’s people outside moving around all over the place, you get mail. You go to the grocery store, if you think like a little mask or something like that is going to really stop you from getting infected. I would think again, yeah, and I would, I would look up statistics on that, in fact check that but especially in Fargo like it’s the windiest place in the world, and it’s an airborne virus and half the town is still working. And they go to the grocery store, they go home to their fat and they pick up the virus, they come home to their family and they sit there all day. So who’s going to get sick, the family. And the thing to worry about is not necessarily getting sick is going to happen. That’s what’s actually going to, that’s actually going to stop the virus, like 170 percent of people get sick. People will have enough antibody, there’ll be enough antibodies that the virus will start being spread. Yeah, the key is, what are you going to do to limit the symptoms and the severity of the virus, and they don’t talk about that. Some really simple things to do are vitamin C, vitamin D, which we’ll be getting since the sun is going to come out here in a month hopefully, vitamin C, vitamin D episode of vinegar to fix your Ph. TPH proper in the body and get rid of the American diet, which everybody I know in fiber a lot of not everybody but in fiber a lot of people are sitting who drinking. Yeah, and they’re getting out of the other structure. And they’re getting depressed. They’re watching more TV. They’re getting we’re anxious, they’re getting more irritable and you can see the face masks coming out. You can see the gloves cuz What do you got to focus on if you don’t have any work? That’s people’s biggest one of the People’s biggest meanings in life is their work? Yes, their family. And I’m not saying that we shouldn’t social distance. Not saying that by any means. But I think you should. somebody out there should say you should prepare. Prepare your immune system, optimize it by getting proper rest, you know, seven to eight hours a night. staying off screens, limiting time watching the news and on Facebook. like everybody’s on Facebook and every other social media channel right now. The liquor stores are open so people are getting drunk more like you can’t be drinking and, and, and, and hard on your body during this time you want to be building it up with proper nutrients. And that’s what I am preaching to my clients. And so that’s a tier one. People are scared shitless Yeah.

And then there’s team to the people like that they did. They know they’re going to get it. They’re going to, you know, maybe get sick, they may not. They might take as a conspiracy theory, something like that. But they know like, our economy is like tanking and they’re there. Scared to because, like, they can’t be their families possibly and their businesses are going, you know, their businesses are going bankrupt. And

Unknown Speaker 21:15
the people who have lost their jobs or they’re worried about tomorrow, like, the unknown is, I feel like,

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 21:24
just as bad as the disease. Yeah, that’s gonna cause more issues. Well, I can’t say it’s gonna cause more issues, but it’s gonna cause issues on top of issues that we already have. I’m not, I’m not the President or anything like that. So I can’t say what we shouldn’t shouldn’t do. But like being afraid and having our stress hormones increased all the time, is not good for health America but make us more susceptible to the virus. I come to work every day I take my health booster pack from my immune system. And I work on people to work on people to help to help them feel better help them move better, because nobody’s moving around. They’re all sitting at home on their computers doing like, for sure home, their their their teachers now they’re they’re teaching their kids are more stressed about that because no division has changed and math has changed. I know all you moms out there, like everything’s changed since we were kids. And they’re having teachers and and some people aren’t even doing that for their kids. Yeah. Yeah. You know, what are we doing? This is my question. And that’s just a question. I’m not like, proposing that we should do something Difference is just a question that I believe everybody should ask themselves. If you are there is a third team to people over, you know, 50 over 65 especially, once you hit like 70s 80s you know, most people that die, the end stage is pneumonia, because their, their immune system. Their body systems are just too weak and they’re actually it’s the their own bacteria they end up like killing them. So I think the Coronavirus is kind of helping that along. The way that our government is going about protecting those people seems not great because, I mean, we got nurses that are going in and out Have these hospitals and dialysis clinics are going home and they’ll get sick too. If if they want to take care of the people in the nursing homes, people that are on dialysis people that have like autoimmune deficiencies, you have to quarantine those people. And the nurses and the doctors and the government is not ready to do that or I doubt is going to do that.

Intern Nate 24:32
Do you think that would put the world or at least the US in a state of panic if they started closing down hospitals and emergency facilities?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 24:40
Well, they shouldn’t close down hospitals emergency facilities,

Unknown Speaker 24:43
or would it?

Intern Nate 24:45
You just mean like laying off more nurses then?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 24:48
No, I’m saying like the nurses that work with the nursing homes and like, Oh, they stay there. Yeah, they don’t leave there. And like their food and everything that’s brought there is sanitized Yeah. Associate only way that you’re truly going to be able to protect those people from this virus if you even can. Yeah, that’s the thing. Like, if you even can because there’s no vaccine, yep. So virus like it doesn’t, a virus isn’t even alive. Technically, it’s it’s a piece of information, an organic piece of information that floats around and it gets in your cells. And then it multiplies by changing the DNA in your cells, and it kills them, and then it keeps multiplying and multiplying. And that’s what happens if the, if the virus gets into your lungs, it’s so progressive that you get what’s called acute respiratory distress syndrome. And pneumonia happens incredibly quick and that’s why people have to go on respirators. So anybody that has any type of long tech issue You and they get sick. And they feel like the person said that they should go right to the hospital er, because it happens so fast that that they do need that medical attention. I think in North Dakota, it’s not going to be even close as bad as other parts of the country because we’re the least populated state in United States, I believe. Yeah. I thought like Alaska had less but I think we’re actually the least populated. And we’re pretty distance out like we have like,

Intern Nate 26:38
Fargo is Mark minor. Well, Fargo is what 30% of all of North Dakota’s population as a whole. So, just think about that. Yeah, I’d say what

isn’t there like 3 million people or no, that’s there’s no

yeah, there’s like maybe 300,000 in Minnesota. 3 million people. Oh yeah. Maybe,

okay, I don’t know. Cuz I know it’s

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 27:05

Intern Nate 27:06
Yeah, cuz I was gonna say based off of that there’s like,

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 27:09
yeah, like that’s like a big suburb in some like city like New York or something like that. So, we compare ourselves to New York and it’s just not gonna happen like that. Like, I’ve talked to people, or my virtual assistant lives in India. Yeah, a town of 3 million. And like, they’re on quarantine. Like they don’t get mail. They don’t get food delivered. They don’t get anything like she’s growing stuff in a garden in her backyard. But like, she’s not that scared though, either. It doesn’t seem like it doesn’t seem like it. It’s as terrified there as it is to people here. But that’s a whole different You know, culture and cheer of soccer yesterday and she was talking about how they’re using the old ways of like how their parents taught them, like mixing ginger with a lot of things and tumeric and like anti inflammatory plants and spices which India has all kinds of good natural medicine,

Intern Nate 28:28
homeopathic style medicine, not homeopathic

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 28:30
this natural flow gathers a little bit different okay. But she wasn’t concerned. And I was surprised by that because I feel like if I lived in a sea of 3 million I’d be pretty concerned. We live in Fargo so I’m I’m not concerned at all and like what I’ve heard from my patients that are nurses is the hospitals are pretty much dead here. Like there’s not they’re not overrun, no matter what I know they’re not overrun no matter what people Think and we’ll probably see the peak of this, you know, in the next month. And we have plenty of ventilators in North Dakota. And they’re guarantee they’re making a shitload of them all over the country. So I am not really too concerned about North Dakota. But like bigger cities like Minneapolis are gonna have issues. What else what other things cities are close to? Like Denver, really the next one Denver? I have some issues. Maybe the altitude go to Chicago, Chicago probably will have issues. Yeah, for sure. I’m surprised we haven’t heard more emotion. I know. I’m surprised. I think the reason is, because it’s in the Midwest. Because the fourth the sum of the centers of the epidemic are They’re Washington and California. Yep. And that’s the closest to China. And then New York. And there’s all type New York and Massachusetts, I believe. And all those states, like, there’s a lot of people that travel internationally. And I think that’s starting on the coast and we’ll move inward. And it’s gotten here. But we’ll see. We’ll see what happens in the next month, but I just really feel that it is that we’re blowing it out of proportion.

Intern Nate 30:39
Do you think in North Dakota, we will hit our peak and plateau within the next month?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 30:46
I think we will. Yeah, like, I’m not an epidemiologist. Right. I know a lot about health, but I would say yeah, the next month to month and a half, as long as the virus doesn’t change. Yeah, I think we will hit a peak. But then I think what’s gonna happen is they’re gonna let the ban off and people are coming out of their homes, and we’re going to have a little bit of a resurgence, and then it’s going to go away. So I think it’s gonna last, what, six more months? And then I think we’ll be done and we just got a hope that next year.

Intern Nate 31:23
Yeah, what about next winner?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 31:25
The big the big thing would be like next year is going to say is the virus can say the same words are gonna change like the flu is gonna change like the cold because viruses like this in history have gone on for years and years. So that’s the thing to worry about. Is that mutating and changing? Yep. Because then you can’t make a vaccine. And it can get worse and affect different groups of people. Yeah, snap your biggest thing to worry about, but like there’s not a good that anybody has an advanced control I think that you can have is to actually like keep yourself calm, do yoga, meditate play music, like play guitar instrument. Eat well sleep. In the chiropractic field we really emphasize we emphasize supplementation to like really bulletproof your immune system with like nutraceuticals that we get that are the highest grade possible you can’t find stores and and we have a limited supply of those here. And I think that’s the best way that we can do that. And then also just to help each other out like at our office, we are doing a community care packages to people that know don’t have the people that don’t have cars or cat get out or don’t have a lot of money. And we have volunteers that are helping to take those packages out to people. And we’re looking for people to donate some of the things that they’ve hoarded, such as toilet paper, since that’s not even a main symptom of this disease, or this virus, so it’s pretty ridiculous to hoard that. And we’re actually going to start making our own hand sanitizer here and giving it away with each treatment to help people a little bit and we’ll do a video on that and people can make that in their homes, too.

Intern Nate 33:40
That’ll be coming in a few days. Yeah, should be a next few days. Yeah.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 33:45
Yeah, cool.

Intern Nate 33:48
I got a question for you. We got

so actually, before we get into the question, I did find the tiger thing. I was dead. Yeah. So real quickly. Bronx Zoo New York went to Tiger test positive for a novel Coronavirus. Immediate question is What about other cats? And I read I think that raises a good question because there was one confirmed case so far off of this Tiger that was in the zoo. And he’s right now minimally asymptomatic and whatever cats do when they get sick, I guess I’m not 100% sure how cats go, you know about sickness, but whatever happens is it’s going from asymptomatic into the first like preliminary stages of sickness. So that’s like hairballs or that’s

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 34:35
not sure. CASS veterinarian either thing, but like, I’m curious if it’s the krona 19 virus like because or do you think it’s like another mutation of sorts? Well, it is like this like upper like a SARS type virus. They call it a Corona virus, I believe. Yeah. Not a biologist, but like stands for severe upper respiratory syndrome. Any type of like virus that really attacks the lungs? Yeah. So I would imagine it’s probably a little different in the Tigers than it is in humans. And that might be a little media trying just to get a story going. Mm hmm.

Intern Nate 35:26
So I wanted to switch gears a little bit here. Okay, so we’ve covered a lot about your background and everything like that. But I feel like we should touch a little bit more on just the business side of things. Because this podcast we do want to cover everything from health and wellness to business as well. So my question for you is because you and I both stand on the same ground as we both have small businesses. So what have you been doing? I know, I could, I could obviously answer that for you because you and I have been doing a lot lately to help stay on top of everything but business wise, what have you You’ve been doing to really kind of keep your business afloat during this time to maybe try to supplement some of the

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 36:07
well it’s been incredibly stressful

Intern Nate 36:10
yeah that’s for sure.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 36:13
We added like the nutraceuticals the immune system to another website yeah immune system an optimized like all the other system is your body’s kind of bulletproof you so if you do get sick, you don’t get as sick. We’re going to start shipping those out to people at a website. We’re doing like I said, we’re going to start making our own hand sanitizer. We’ve cleaned the clinic from top to bottom with bleach 10% bleach that kills just about everything. And what else have we done? We start helping out the community, the best thing to do like these times crisis has to have about community because people just gets crazy like, Well no, you’re not crazy but like there’s so much panic and you can just help some people to it really comes things can come together and help each other. It’s easier to get through times like this. Yeah,

Intern Nate 37:22
definitely. Definitely. How many gift baskets did you earn? How many care packages have you sent out?

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 37:29
Tomorrow we’ll be sending out a third one sweet and we have like Wendy is super awesome. Yeah, is delivering those. And she’s a pretty cool lady. She had a stroke. I can’t remember how long ago but she just wants to help the community and she were packing up the care packages and she’s delivering on my we got one round to deal work tomorrow. And and we want to keep doing that. So if there’s anything you can donate This last person one I like called notice and check one key letter. So we’ll go by a little bit of that and some food cat food and because they have simply respiratory issues that they don’t want to come out of the house you know, I think just like canned like chicken noodle soup. Yeah.

Intern Nate 38:21
soups non perishable stuff yet non perishable

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 38:23
goods. Gloves is what a lot of people want like gloves and masks. I mean, people probably aren’t gonna let go of their masks but if you can spare a couple that’d be great. Yeah. And then bottled water and we’ve been playing as Brits are bottle that has bleach in it so they can clean their houses and and stay safe as possible. And basically, is trying to fulfill their quest that they have and asking the community if they can get those items or I’ll just go pick them up at the grocery store. When these even pick the field things up, we also have things for kids like board games and some like bubbles and things like that also sure, because kids are getting some cutscenes. So if you have kids, we got some stuff for that too, to keep them busy off some screens and some activity and and so we’re trying to learn it.

Intern Nate 39:34
Yeah, you’re definitely doing your part. That’s for sure. More than I’ve seen a lot of other businesses do not to name names or anything like that. You get definitely held community for sure.

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 39:45
Yeah. And it helps me like take my mind off of Yeah, everything that’s going on, if I can do something for a bigger purpose. Yeah. And I don’t stress as much about the small effects. going on at hand.

Intern Nate 40:03
Well, before we run out of time here, I do see some fun little, what are those antibiotics and a bunch of different medication that we’re going to be having on our website here coming out later this week. So it’s

one medication, we’re not medication,


Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 40:21
supplements, supplements. Yeah, we have, like different supplements, packages to help. Like I said, like bulletproof like your gut. Your immune system lives in special immune supplements that have enzymes in to break down the different herbs, the vitamin C’s and E DS, so that you actually absorb them and use them. And we got a glue to file recycler the time for the most powerful any accidents, your body And they need to fight. Arctic kill free radicals which is infrared colors are what free radicals are what viruses creates and our body creates that how that makes us age and makes us sick. So we want to get rid of as many of those as possible and we have one pack that is for when you just prevented a pack and then we have a health booster plus pack that has like a viral symptom. Like has a it has a supplement that will help decrease symptoms of like virus or so like stomach issues in fever and like have a lot of natural like herbs that have antibiotic type properties.

Intern Nate 41:54
So with the pack but the the difference between the plus And just the regular pack is you should get the plus if you already feel that you are infected or

Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky 42:06
while I was thinking about it, like, should I get the plus depends on how often go on about like, you should get the Plus, you know, so you have this supplements to fight to optimize your immune function before you can possibly not get sick. And then once you’re sick, you’re not going to want to come to your house to get the extra viral packs. So I would get that with it. And then if you’re starting to feel like cool symptoms, just like start taking that one, three times a day. Okay, okay.

Intern Nate 42:47
That’s what I would recommend. All right, well, that will all be out on our website here shortly. Look for that. Look for the videos for that on Facebook. We are I guess I’m just wrapping up editing those videos and everything like that. So we’ll be putting out those videos soon on Facebook. So look out for that. Doctor. Thank you for joining us on our first episode Dr. Our our everybody. Yeah, everyone, thanks for listening if you stuck around this long and get ready because we’re gonna be trying to get these out once a week, Monday or Tuesday, so look for them early in the week. We’ll be covering lots of different things. Yeah. So thank you so much.

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