Dr. Dan’s Health & Business Power Hour Ep. 11 – Glacial Peak Cryotherapy

Hello Podcast Listeners!

We Just had an amazing convo with a good friend and Local Business Partner Pam Bradow, a Fergus Falls, MN native. Pam originally tried Cryotherapy after she was injured in a car accident while living in Colorado Springs, CO. The effects of the accident left Pam so badly damaged that she was unable to return to work as a dental hygienist. Pam was seeing a massage therapist and concussion specialist to help reduce her general inflammation. Pam is now the Owner and operator of Glacial Peak Cryotherapy.

Glacial Peak Website

Unknown Speaker 0:00

Unknown Speaker 0:38
Hello, this is Dr. Daniel Pozarnsky here with Dr. Dan’s health and business Power Hour. Today we are here with Pam Bravo from obviously Breda with Pam Brito from glacial peak cryotherapy actually just right across the street and She is going to talk to us talk to us today about how cryotherapy, how cryotherapy increases your health and what exactly her cryo

Unknown Speaker 1:12
therapy spot is and what it does and how she found it.

Unknown Speaker 1:17
Pam, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 1:20
You’re welcome. So, this is your first podcast.

Unknown Speaker 1:27
What’s your second?

Unknown Speaker 1:30
You’re definitely

Unknown Speaker 1:34
that’s good. You should be nervous. I’ve heard

Unknown Speaker 1:39
that you should be nervous.

Unknown Speaker 1:46
Yes, totally. So,

Unknown Speaker 1:48
tell us a little bit about cryo therapy and how you

Unknown Speaker 1:52
came to find it. How you found it

Unknown Speaker 1:54

Unknown Speaker 2:01
That’s right in Colorado Springs at the time.

Unknown Speaker 2:06
We’ve been practicing for 25 years. So in Washington State and then no in Colorado, but um

Unknown Speaker 2:12
I’ve had a couple of accidents and I recovered from the first one back in 93.

Unknown Speaker 2:18
What kind of accidents I was a pedestrian

Unknown Speaker 2:19
in the car accident on a very busy street in Everett, Washington. Leaving a dental hygiene meeting. I was yelling at my friends not to jaywalk on this busy street. I’m in the crosswalk with my pedestrian light saying Come on ahead. Let’s walk and a guy on the right on a red

Unknown Speaker 2:36
took it. Oh really? Oh my goodness,

Unknown Speaker 2:39
chilled and landed on the ground and didn’t lose consciousness but I think the police officers that did my report. I cleaned his teeth not too long ago so I remembered him and different people I you know, likely lose consciousness so we can just take care of you. I want to go to this hospital. No, nevermind. I’m a mile er Walk away from another hospital. It was just an interesting, bad car accident. Thankfully, I did not have my infant son with me. He was five and a half months old. So

Unknown Speaker 3:11
needless to say, I was severely concussed and a lot of soft tissue issues.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
But I managed to recover back then in the early 90s. It wasn’t much

Unknown Speaker 3:27
of they do a lot. No. Or

Unknown Speaker 3:31
I did the Chiropractic and I did some, I did more of the pain pill route, and the flex role and, and I was doped up, I would work a day of dental hygiene when I was recovered, so to speak, and I’d be passed out on the floor playing with my child passed out with flexural on board because I heard so dang bad the next day. So that was not really a graceful recovery or productive recovery. So I feel like there’s maybe something But anyway, I recovered. But fast forward to July along to take to recover. Oh, yours because I just had him in March of, of 93. And I had this accident in September, October. And I don’t think I did well for a whole year.

Unknown Speaker 4:20
Yeah, you should take at least a year. My experience patients that treat to heal Yeah, as completely as possible.

Unknown Speaker 4:29
And they never really when I went to the emergency room, they didn’t really address my concussion concussion. I landed. So I was by at corner lot where they were washing the cars off from the dust and the whatever of the day to do of the day. So I landed in a puddle of water. I had a very vibrant plaid blazer jacket on. Because I dressed up for this meeting and how could this driver miss me? I mean, I was like, wow, in the 90s. It was the fluorescent yeah multi colored blazer but I scan my left foot because I’ve landed on down on that but then my head fell back like a ping pong. Yeah, and I hit the right quarter panel so to speak in my bra back occipital lobe area. Temporal, occipital. And so what what’s this back here? That’s so cool. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:24
Anyway, sorry, technical close the temporal parietal

Unknown Speaker 5:27
region, right,

Unknown Speaker 5:28
there you go. But um, I was bleeding, but they didn’t really address my ones I went home and passed out with pain. So they didn’t really do much. But needless to say, my son quit nursing because I was so in pain and drugged out that I didn’t probably taste good anymore. So we stopped. He stopped and now very sad. I was very emotionally distraught because I couldn’t work my son Gave me up. I was a new mom, I hurt. And so that one was that one that was a really hard accident to recover from. But four years later I was in, I was well enough to have another baby. I just had a lot of hip in neck and, you know,

Unknown Speaker 6:17
it hangs on

Unknown Speaker 6:19
correctly. I did a lot of cranial sacral I had a great massage therapist, back then, she was she gave you everything she had. So we did a lot of cranial sacral the myofascial release, and so that was painful sometimes with not those necessarily, but some of the therapies that she kind of ran me through was helpful. But

Unknown Speaker 6:47
what I found with auto injuries is it’s mostly it’s mostly

Unknown Speaker 6:54
muscle tissue, soft tissue injury, and myofascial release. is one of the things that works the best. Yeah. Along with, like, we do a lot of like physical, what we can call physical therapy but therapeutic exercise here. And then we also use massage therapists and I do a lot of tissue work and myofascial release and then and then like the mid manipulation like

Unknown Speaker 7:24
with that also helps to decrease the pressure on the nervous system what

Unknown Speaker 7:31
I felt in my body and I felt again that trauma, the protective stance that goes to to protect from hitting the head on the asphalt again because I popped up the tar like a ping pong, and I caught myself so I wouldn’t fall back and hit it again so hard, so that that clamped me down. I had this much room between my hip bone, inch or two between my hip in my ribs. So I was clamped down I was I was walking crooked.

Unknown Speaker 8:03
Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 8:06
anyway, but yeah, but then that brassica inlet and then my dental profession, you know, I’m, I’m hovering over you getting close I’m my posture was compromised in that profession anyway so you had to have good core strength, my core strength shot and then to try and recover and to strengthen that back up again so that I could handle it several patients a day and not feel faked out then by the end and the next day to recover. So that that was just oh man, what a distant memory. I’m so glad I had a different experience with this accident just because I was July the end of July is coming up on four years. Well in five years. We my daughter and I were going to Some friends for a housewarming party and I Colorado Springs has a lot of three lane streets. Yeah, I’ve

Unknown Speaker 9:07
been there once a lot. Like, it’s not like Fargo actually. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 9:11
So like imagine 32nd, you know, but then the median had more of a bowl of artifacts. So there were trees in the boulevard in the, in the median. And so there was a right turn lane and I was in the left travel straight plane, and there were roundabouts. And I was this was a cross intersection that I came up off of, or onto and this lady came across the three lanes going west or east. And I didn’t see it coming because the boulevard was there in the trees. There’s a berm kind of like on Veterans whereas there’s a dome. And my daughter was a pastor, we are talking but I was going maybe 3540 and she hit me in the front panel. Excuse me.

Unknown Speaker 10:02
She hit me in the front quarter panel of my car.

Unknown Speaker 10:07
And I was on the inside lane. I crossed over two lanes and was now and then she hit me in the back quarter panel on the driver side. Yeah, she hit me in the front. Bam, stop me and then she hit me again. She went over to the stop sign from the oncoming traffic out of that neighborhood and I went into the neighborhood. So I cross three lanes of traffic went into the neighborhood on that street that she was crossing.

Unknown Speaker 10:38
Yeah, it’s usually like one side. It’s every every there’s one side of the buyer that’s more injured than the other side.

Unknown Speaker 10:46
Okay, that makes sense. So I was impacted on my driver side, my left side. I hit my knees somehow on the dash or something left me. But again, it was my right side that was I was so concussed I was running into door jams and bad and hit your head. What do you do here? I have no idea yeah my daughter had on the windshield even though the all the airbags deployed, but we were

Unknown Speaker 11:18
I’ve never had airbags deploy and it smells like cars on fire. I’m screaming at her get out of the car. It’s on fire, you know? And she’s like what are you talking about mom? Like

Unknown Speaker 11:33
yelling anyway so and being I been in that other accident. I go to the doctor just to go in the ambulance. I didn’t want to but I needed to get x rays to make sure my whiplash wasn’t more and that my leg wasn’t more broken. It was a bad impact in my neck and shoulder height. I needed to. So it was a waste of time, money and energy, but yet it was a necessary evil, especially for the insurance things that you’d have to jump. Yeah. But I wanted to rule it out. So I didn’t go home and wake up the next morning saying I should have gone. You know, everybody goes getting it right. So, I got my x rays and my daughter was younger, bounced back a lot easier. But I couldn’t drive for a while. I met I tried, I took some time off from work, and then I tried part time, like four patients a day instead of eight to 10. And I couldn’t keep up. I couldn’t. I couldn’t focus in their mouth. I thought I was falling out of my chair. That you heard of whiplash? Yeah. So I was starting my therapies, chiropractic acupuncture.

Unknown Speaker 13:00
quassia Russia, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 13:03
laser treatment called laser treatment. Marines are the neck

Unknown Speaker 13:09
corrective vision with the prism glasses.

Unknown Speaker 13:11
Oh, he did that he did that

Unknown Speaker 13:12
for like TBI as a lot.

Unknown Speaker 13:15
And I did. I went to a neuro feedback psychologist. And that helped a lot. And I was doing the cardio concussion specialist chiropractor my regular. I mean, I was doctored up, ma’am, yeah. And then my massage therapist said, Well, why don’t you try cryo? Because you’re, you’re like, I’m coming to you and I’m good for two minutes. And then by the time we get home, I’m already crooked again and hurting. So she said, they just opened up try it. And I’m like, well, but you know, in my recovery, you know, I was making gains and then I plateau and then I get make gains again, and then I plateau or regress and I would be depressed and frustrated. So that was Kind of where I was at. So I’m like, great. You want me to take another appointment, spend more money and probably get nowhere further along. And but I saw them on the news then I did wait a while because I think she told me mid October and November 4 was my first visit.

Unknown Speaker 14:20

Unknown Speaker 14:21
And I could tell that this one muscle on my right neck shoulder. It was. Yeah, the top of my trap. Yep. And it was quivering. It wasn’t releasing. It wasn’t, you know, you’re healed. It was quivering. Like, I kind of like that, but I don’t trust it. And I know from my other accident you had to build trust in in redirecting your muscle memory to forget the accident. Forget that protective stance that kept you out of alignment or adjustment. You had disturbed that communication of Eric gonna be in danger. Yeah, so here’s retrace 40 Yeah. And that’s why the massage. That’s why we do the electrical stimulus to try and break that pain brain communication. So you can say, let it go. It’s okay. You’re safe now. No, that was not working for me neurofeedback laser treatments. I was still. Yeah. So I tried this and it was quivering, like, Okay, this is encouraging. I gotta see what this is going to do further. So I signed up to do daily. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did it daily. And so I found it November 4. By my fourth visit, I was thinking I can retire from dental hygiene. I wanted to move back to the Fargo area to do dental hygiene but how my kids are in college now I need to work I I’m not going to stay here in Colorado because I’m here alone. And I wanted to go back to my family. closer to my family and My procedure procedures, my documents to get licensed here in North Dakota, Minnesota. Were on my desk and by that fourth visit, I threw that away. Oh really? And I started studying cryo and

Unknown Speaker 16:14
made some trips to Texas.

Unknown Speaker 16:17
Yeah. Is that where they do the training?

Unknown Speaker 16:21
That is where, or

Unknown Speaker 16:25
excuse me, I got a tickle.

Unknown Speaker 16:36
I use the Juke Asana. It’s a European model, where it’s a whole room. No, no, I use the standups. They use a cryo med sauna. Stand up sauna. And it’s like mine, but it was made in the US down in Texas. Okay, so I’ll be the trip down to their cryo med headquarters in Dallas, Texas. So I talked to them a little bit and was looking into buying their units as well. And I hung out with them I let they let me shadow them because I was going to be in direct competition in Fargo, North Dakota. Yeah. And so by the time in December I made a trip to Texas and then in January I came here looking for location to build up my unit and start ordering and getting stuff lined up by with another trip to Texas then and then my move out here I sold my house and Colorado packed up everything. My Location started I was back here by the end of March, recovered recovered from so with the cryotherapy doing it daily, I was making more headway with my recovery. My adjustments seem to hold better My corrective vision, you know, and it could have been coincidence. It’s hard to measure what cryo actually does, because, and it’s hard to test because it actually do. Oh my gosh, it’s amazing. So, it, it just triggers that fight or flight response. We expose your body as much skin as possible. That’s why you’re minimally clothed to my extreme cold temperatures, and it’s 190 to 240. below. I haven’t calibrated to 240 I can go colder. But I have the max. I have gone down to 320 Oh, really?

Unknown Speaker 18:37
When I was in Colorado, we

Unknown Speaker 18:38
played with that. You know what, it’s just there’s no benefit, extra benefit therapeutically. And it’s just, oh, we are painful. Oh, really? Yeah. It gets a lot more painful during that time. So lady wants to say hi.

Unknown Speaker 18:55
So because we were playing around with that in Colorado

Unknown Speaker 18:59
Yeah. And I’m like, Yeah, I think I wanted people to have a positive experience. Yes. And I’m already testing their, their

Unknown Speaker 19:11
limits. Yeah. So, but therapeutically, this is 166 is the triggering temperature where your body’s saying, okay, Daniel, ding, you are in danger. So

Unknown Speaker 19:24
that so there’s a sympathetic response. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 19:27
So it triggers your brain to say, holy cow, buddy. Let’s bring your long track of your circulatory system to the short track. So it brings all your peripheral fluids or thin constricts to your core. And there it’s protecting your core, keeping your vitals vital. During this time, it doesn’t know you’re getting it out in two to three minutes. And the threat is real. So your brain is like holy crap. And you know what our winters are like. So yeah, you’re like, Oh, it’s starting to bite. It’s starting to knit. You’re in a controlled environment. It’s not going to frostbite you Never long enough. I’ve tried

Unknown Speaker 20:01
to recreate it on my deck in the wintertime. Yeah, my boxers. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:07
Because there’s humidity in there. Yeah. And in my sauna, there’s no humidity.

Unknown Speaker 20:13
And the wind chill. Yeah, that’s those two factors really get

Unknown Speaker 20:18
you and I’ve done ice baths and you can’t get your skin temperature

Unknown Speaker 20:21
down low enough either. And you have to stay in there longer. So therefore, then your muscles and everything

Unknown Speaker 20:29
starts to cramp up and cool off. And then there’s a recovery process where mind it’s instant. So the minute this this sympathetic response happens in your blood is at your core, protecting it. It’s doing what it’s already wanting to do on the long track when it’s all circulations all out there, but it’s just being a little more focused. It’s filtering your blood, cleansing your organs. oxygen rich, enzyme rich is just fortifying it’s just more hyperactive. It’s not getting clogged in your hip area. It’s not getting clogged up in your elbow. It’s just right there just going. So the minute that that temperature shuts off, you know, that sort of shuts off. Your brain is like, Alright, we’re back. So then you’re safe. The threat is not there, that nutrient rich blood goes back out to the extremities. And there, it can handle what it’s wanting to do. It feeds yourself and it takes out the garbage. But if your blood is so clogged up and congested and funked up, it can’t be as

Unknown Speaker 21:35
helpful in that feeding and taking off the garbage of yourselves.

Unknown Speaker 21:40
It seems like a really like a detox like

Unknown Speaker 21:42
I do it is.

Unknown Speaker 21:45
On your Yeah, all your buttons constrict. I’m pretty used to it now. At first it was cold but like, you know, you’re

Unknown Speaker 21:53
enjoying it. Yes, you construct for that. Two to three minutes, but then at visa dilates.

Unknown Speaker 21:59
Yeah, you’re Like,

Unknown Speaker 22:00
half a millimeter deep into your skin, so your muscles and everything are still warm. And some people actually get kind of flushed like that, that readiness or you know, it’s like wow, I really feel warm. So people with poor circulation, they’re always cool layering up the Oh, I don’t want to get this can help them with that poor circulation. You know they’re always cool

Unknown Speaker 22:28
thyroid issues.

Unknown Speaker 22:29
Yep. Yeah, this helps. This helps balance your hormonal issues

Unknown Speaker 22:36
your metabolism, it helps elevate your mood because you get an endorphin rush. You’re burning, you’re burning 800 calories in there. It it’s not just in that one too little to three minute time it helps burn boosts your metabolism. So yeah, over that next two to three days. I believe it like activated Your

Unknown Speaker 23:00
brown adipose tissue or your brown fat, baby. Yeah. So there were increase metabolism,

Unknown Speaker 23:07
right? So if you do this regularly, your your yellow fat does turn to brown fat so then it’s digested in your lymph system and is just you know, so you can lose weight. You have to be exercising you have to be eating right. And being kind of a little proactive on you can expect us to do everything just like you don’t expect this to. I don’t expect cryotherapy to heal people and to not need the physical therapists, chiropractors, the other doctors that for surgery, you still need the surgery, but we can get you ready for surgery. Help a better blood flow to that area so that you can handle the surgery better and recover from injuries

Unknown Speaker 23:51
and huge Pugin, like professional sports now, you’re talking about before the red hogs yeah They’re back in town. It’s good to have the

Unknown Speaker 24:01
boys back. Yes. I want to go to a baseball

Unknown Speaker 24:04
game. And then one a couple years.

Unknown Speaker 24:11
So what are some of the leg? interesting cases that you’ve seen like things in the last

Unknown Speaker 24:18
few years that cleared up their

Unknown Speaker 24:22
story, lady, she, well, she came from the cyclebar she rides by there. She was walking in with the cane. She had some edema, so to speak. It hurt to walk in her legs. She left carrying the game. Oh, wow. That was kind of fun. Oh, that’s like, Oh, I wonder what happened. And then I had a lady up north northern Minnesota area. I get a lot of people that travel in. Oh, yeah. I’ve pulled people from Montana. rozo

Unknown Speaker 24:55
so you’re the only one in North Dakota.

Unknown Speaker 24:57
That was the first one in North Dakota. Okay. One up in Grand Forks did just recently

Unknown Speaker 25:04
close I think we’ll do do due to COVID possibly and

Unknown Speaker 25:11
i don’t know i we’ve talked some but it’s her story not mine. They’re the same type of machinery. She had a different machine that what I do, but she had the same, it they kind of run off the same

Unknown Speaker 25:27
they’re just a different manufacturer. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 25:29
Yeah, they’re run the summer. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:31
And she she was busy with CrossFit. So she was wanting to pursue that more and she’s an athlete I’m not but I’m yours is more of a spa atmosphere

Unknown Speaker 25:41
into the atmospheres is a lot different in your office,

Unknown Speaker 25:46
or I wanted to create a nice place for both men and women to come like I wanted. I wanted to be multi generational, I wanted to help the older people. Today I had an image person come in. She’s got Ms. And she is now using a walker, a roller Walker. And she has tried my normatec compression therapy with her demons in her ankles like she wanted. She was asking about my cryo sauna. And I was telling gonna tell you about one lady that came from north, northern Minnesota. She came in kind of hunched over just hurting, she’s got a mass as well. And she goes Pam, I went home, I washed the floor on my hands and knees. I made a batch of cookies. I felt great. So it helps with that inflammation. It doesn’t take that Ms. away, you still have it, but it lessens the inflammation so you have more mobility. It slows that process down

Unknown Speaker 26:53
and probably stimulate your nervous system, but also right to respond so she could do some that stuff. I know Works awesome for me in the summer here when I have really bad allergies. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 27:04
cuz severe allergies and pouring in the sauna and getting the facials is

Unknown Speaker 27:09
amazing. Oh my gosh, that’s a game changer. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:13
She has shingles. She goes, Pam, I said, Are your allergies acting up? Because Nope, today it’s shingles. So, gave her a facial and kind of hit her single spot, extra heart. And I say that, you know, in cotton on ingest, I’m not hitting her heart. I’m gentle, I’m loving and kind. But I paid more closer attention. So when you come in for a facial, I do take into account that if you have neck or shoulder strains or a migraine, I’m going to address the back wherever your migraine is, if it’s a cluster on the right side or the back of the neck, I’ll concentrate more on that. If you’ve got cystic acne, I’ll work on that acne area. So we kind of will do the whole thing but it’s saturate those areas that have issue with focus on

Unknown Speaker 28:03
the problem areas. I think it’s good that you get the whole neck and head because the, the handling system and everything can drain out of there.

Unknown Speaker 28:13
Right. So when people come in so that so when I do the facial, I’m doing the facial, I’m doing the whole head neck, but I’ll accentuate those areas of concern. So when people come in with a tweak knee, or an elbow or a twisted ankle, that’s like, Oh, I just want a local treatment. I don’t want it and I’m like, okay, I can do that. But I want you to get, you’re compensating in your gait in your stance. I’m wanting to take all that memory of that accident or whatever’s brought you to this point. And take take it out down a notch and give you a systemic flush of rejuvenating circulation. And then then I’ll hit you or give you a shot. Have that local treatment just ice pack it down further. So it still does that surface cold but faisel dilation so it brings a healthier blood flow to that area. Take out the garbage and feed that come out that feeling.

Unknown Speaker 29:15
So describe to a listeners like it’s a facial but you’re not actually touching their face.

Unknown Speaker 29:20
No no good point. Yes, I’m blowing

Unknown Speaker 29:26
air over your scalp face nothing tech But hey, I’m blowing 250 to 300 below zero air.

Unknown Speaker 29:33
Yeah, it’s kind of like

Unknown Speaker 29:35
vacuum hose. This sort of Yeah, looks like a vacuum hose. Yeah. But I’m doing instead of sucking air. Yes. And

Unknown Speaker 29:44
I can adjust my intensity of the airflow to to be you know, a little forceful in thicker haired people, you know, especially on the scalp. So we’re taking the inflammation out of your skin so rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, even the hair follicles we can take the inflammation out so we can allow your hair follicles to breed. Oh, wow. So can’t bring the dead ones batter, thinning hair, we can help thicken. My daughter is lucky because I empower mom

Unknown Speaker 30:15
one day.

Unknown Speaker 30:16
But she gets to use a lot of these services. And she donates a lot of hair. grows it out. She’s out. Yes. So she she noticed a thicker ponytail. And it grew faster, because she needed to donate too much had to grow it out longer so she wouldn’t be short hair then. Anyway, it’s so people notice a thicker ponytail. And I had recently over Christmas time New Year’s time. I had an older gentleman who had more of a chicken neck and thinning hair. He was in a 60s and gave him a couple facials and a couple whole bodies in about 21 days. And you can tell it Difference in his in his hair thickening up on his temples

Unknown Speaker 31:05
and just the skin brightening up and firming up we’re not just

Unknown Speaker 31:14
what are we what are we doing work we’re killing the enzymes that are breaking down the collagen and elastin in the skin. Oh you are yep so we’re question about where so as as we age our collagen breaks down right those enzymes are breaking down our collagen so for killing an enzymes can be helpful to digest things but it’s breaking down our vital vitality so yes, we can break down that those enzymes that are breaking down our collagen that’s allowing collagen to build into firm so he’s he’s looking good.

Unknown Speaker 31:53
And then I’m fat No, you’re also do stuff for weddings.

Unknown Speaker 31:56
Yes, wedding season. Yes. And just moms that have had babies that really want their bodies back. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 32:04
So it’s the cryo t shock.

Unknown Speaker 32:06
Yeah, that’s, that’s the new thing that you have.

Unknown Speaker 32:08
Yeah. And I’ve had it for a little while here. But

Unknown Speaker 32:13
timing and promoting it is just another thing and getting people to work with me to help provide the services but it is a little bit more time consuming of a service. But um, we’re using more of an ultrasound wand with thermally compatible gel, that we heat up the area. So when we’re working at area when we were doing your abdomen, it’s not one section on the right side, one section on the left, it’s right and left bilateral. And we’re doing an area in which we heat up the area with a few minutes of warm, kind of getting the cells saying hey, what are we going to do today? I’m showing up and then we zap it with the cold and we are cold for

Unknown Speaker 33:01
About 20 to 25 minutes on each side, manipulating it

Unknown Speaker 33:05
in that that helps shrink the yellow pencils

Unknown Speaker 33:09
kills the fat cells. And again, we’re also helping

Unknown Speaker 33:15
stimulate healthier tissue

Unknown Speaker 33:18
breaking down because with weight loss comes to save your baby your skin. Yeah. And we confirm that up and get the enzymes die offs that we can build. That’s helpful. Oh, okay, so and so then at the end then after that cold snap, then we heat it up again. This is the fat burning one and then we’re waking up the lymphatic system. We’re not waking it all up, but we’re just kind of getting it all. Okay, now you can start the digestive process.

Unknown Speaker 33:50
What’s a training plan like per leg? Start

Unknown Speaker 33:52
for beginner. So if we’re doing your abdomen today

Unknown Speaker 33:59
It takes two weeks to totally digest and let that digestion happen. So we want, we can’t do your abs again until two weeks out. But we can do and we can’t do legs and arms or legs and tummy your back and tummy. Because that’s too many, too much of a dump into your lymphatic system. We’ve overloaded it wouldn’t be as effective. So what we do is we do your abs this week, next week, you can come back and we can do your love handles, your back or your legs and then the following week, then your abs will be ready. So if you do your abs again, or some people have done their legs and then a facial and the facial that one I can do two in one day, just because your faces don’t have a lot of fat. A little bit more with this just to take off that toughness. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 34:54
I’m looking at their show. Their shows

Unknown Speaker 34:56
are coming up in the hall with the corona

Unknown Speaker 35:02
canceled how’s it been through that?

Unknown Speaker 35:05
Quiet a little quiet quiet. I did close out in closed down in April.

Unknown Speaker 35:12
Just cautionary and just kind of figured out what I needed to do next. So opened it up slowly in March May. But um, I think the whole town’s slow. Yeah, I was beginning to take it personally. And I’m like, wait a minute now everybody’s freaking out. So yeah, every small businesses, right. And then it’s summer in Fargo, and then the lakes. Yep. And so right now, like we were talking earlier, everybody thinks, Oh, I’m going to try it when it’s warmer out. Yeah. But your body temperature is hotter. Warmer. And so it takes a little bit more to get you cold. And yeah, so it’s like jumping

Unknown Speaker 35:53

Unknown Speaker 35:55
cold water when you’re hot. Yeah, we’re warm blooded. Yes. So that it’s gonna be a little But more of a shock. So

Unknown Speaker 36:02
there’s no air. There’s no moisture in in the my sauna and the Windchill is less, you know, there. It’s a drier cold, and you’re not getting wet. And that’s what I like about it and it’s fast, easy. That’s one thing with my recovery, you know, the massage therapist takes an hour, hour and a half, the adjustments sometimes take half an hour, hour, you know, or acupuncture therapies, blah, blah, blah. And I’m like, I don’t have more time in my day for yet another appointment to just leave discouraged. So I was really happy that it was only two to three minutes and the first few times I felt like I had more energy, yes, but I also was doing some toxic dumping. So there was an overlay of tea and like, oh, when I was getting better rest, I was able to get you know, you can go to bed but can’t guarantee a good night’s rest. I was getting there. And that’s what your body wants. He was trying to recover from an accident

Unknown Speaker 36:59
ever. time I go there our sleep a lot better that night.

Unknown Speaker 37:04
And sometimes we wake up ahead of your alarm.

Unknown Speaker 37:09
I had that experience couple weeks ago. Like I said, I haven’t done that in years.

Unknown Speaker 37:17
Especially Mondays, right? Yeah, yep,

Unknown Speaker 37:19
no error the end of the week. That’s

Unknown Speaker 37:23
nutrient rich blood does linger in your body football 48 to 72 hours. Yep. That’s on your toxicity. So you and this is training people to listen to their bodies because we’re not trained to do that. We’re told suck it up and deal. Take a test Midwest. Yeah, um, I grew up in a farm I know dad did and that’s why I want to do that to help these people that are watching cricket now because they sucked it up and dealt

Unknown Speaker 37:50
with it or their normal pain. I hate that. That’s, that’s my pet peeve. Like I’m just back to my normal. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 37:59
it’s not no So you don’t have to be are seeing of relief. And then you see it kind of creep back at you. That’s my

Unknown Speaker 38:10
third proprioception of the bodies that’s come back.

Unknown Speaker 38:13
So if we’re dealing with acute issues, yeah, a couple of sessions you’re gonna feel back and good. But if it’s an acute over a chronic thing, or something, I do like to have like a month Unlimited, a couple of them, just so you can come daily or every other day at least, to just get on top of it. Give that body that break that it needs, build up the trust in yourselves to recover and then keep going through therapies because they’re going to help you stay. And then as ISIS feeling better in my photo, because I found it November and I was gone in March to open my own business. Wow, that was a lot. That’s fast. Yeah. So fast. Yeah. So that’s been up my recovery. It could have been a coincidence. But yet, it was pretty exciting because I, I felt better because I did it daily. And then I could tell when I saw that I’d take a trip down to the cities and

Unknown Speaker 39:17
and get a shot or session

Unknown Speaker 39:20
was there so you would do it? You would go there first before you open it

Unknown Speaker 39:25
back here. I had to build up my space. It was dirt floor of that building.

Unknown Speaker 39:29
Yeah, it was it wasn’t like, what 44 years ago wasn’t allowed here.

Unknown Speaker 39:34
Right. So I built that out. So in that time, I was burning the candle at both ends again. Cool. So I

Unknown Speaker 39:45

Unknown Speaker 39:46
to just kind of get rebooted. Is there a couple places down there then? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 39:52
So theory of champions, Brandon here he was with the Walker. He sold his part off the dairy champion. He’s more with the Timberwolves the Vikings athletes, they’re also doing another type of

Unknown Speaker 40:07

Unknown Speaker 40:12

Unknown Speaker 40:13
Yeah, something

Unknown Speaker 40:14
like that. Deeper bread ads. I’ve seen those that go with the cryo stuff. Oh no,

Unknown Speaker 40:20
this is a little bit more. There was an acronym but none bad acronyms so I’m not even going to try. Okay, the halo halo has several locations. I think he kind of made franchised out themselves. Oh to Maple Valley.

Unknown Speaker 40:33
He he died. He

Unknown Speaker 40:35

Unknown Speaker 40:37
was that

Unknown Speaker 40:40
he’s got a couple locations down there.

Unknown Speaker 40:42
So they all use that same juca machine. Ours just prior

Unknown Speaker 40:49
series of champions. I’m not sure what does is a different machine that I’m not familiar with.

Unknown Speaker 40:57
Have you ever seen those like I’ve no like Tony Robbins. the suffering of those rooms they said sort of

Unknown Speaker 41:04
so what they’re doing is they’re using maybe electricity or liquid nitrogen to chill the walls

Unknown Speaker 41:09
of the room.

Unknown Speaker 41:11
So you’re not my son I we elevate your heads Yeah. Breathing oxygen. Air room air. Yeah. Because if you were in that sauna you pass out because it was it’s pure nitrogen air. Yeah. Dinner air but yet it’s calibrated right so in that in those rooms where you

Unknown Speaker 41:31
can go in and be totally immersed or submersed or whatever they’re they’re just chilling the room that cold full

Unknown Speaker 41:39
temperature oh just walk around under the gas so

Unknown Speaker 41:45
and there’s electrical units and my dream was to maybe have a mobile unit and say hey, it’d be more electrical or like in a motorhome Mondays and Wednesdays in Willesden. Sounds like a lot of work.

Unknown Speaker 42:01
I’m realizing I’m I’m better versed right here. I do get my people pulled in for my not roastin Yeah. hope they’re Newtown. Oh, wow. Yeah. Bowman Dickinson. Wow. I know people travel that far. Yep. Aberdeen sequels. So

Unknown Speaker 42:22
yeah, I’ll get people from a couple hours but I rolled up and flew that far.

Unknown Speaker 42:27
And so I try to package my my product, my services in ways that are conducive to help those that are further out. In Colorado, everybody was pretty much it’s a bigger town. Everybody was pretty much there. There were some people that came down from Denver.

Unknown Speaker 42:45
I want to be able to accommodate those people that do have to travel and make it not expired too fast. Do they usually stay for a couple days then. So like my new town couple, they came

Unknown Speaker 42:58
over Thanksgiving And I said, Okay, I’m normally closed, but I don’t have big plans. My kids are gone right now. I’ll stay late. I’ll come back in when they got into town. gave them a session. And then I don’t know if we came back Thursday, but I did come back Friday and Saturday. And then we hit them again. Sunday before they left for home. So I was working with them a little bit. I was open Friday, Saturday anyway, so they just came in, but I tried to accommodate them as they came into town.

Unknown Speaker 43:33
Yo besides now, yeah. Oh, it’s good to know. Yeah. A lot of people work all weekend so they can especially construction.

Unknown Speaker 43:42
Yes. So I do get a lot of my co workers my Yeah, my truck drivers,

Unknown Speaker 43:48
farmers, farmers. They usually come in on Saturday, like Saturdays. I’m open on Saturdays.

Unknown Speaker 44:00

Unknown Speaker 44:01
Yeah, somewhat different.

Unknown Speaker 44:04
Anything else you want to talk about, like what an initial package would be

Unknown Speaker 44:08

Unknown Speaker 44:10
to offer first time,

Unknown Speaker 44:12
newcomers. first timers come in, I offer a two for one, two for the price of one. And I put a little bit of a timeframe on my intro packs just so you get a two pack to 460. And you spread them apart six months, and I don’t really notice anything. So that’s just for my novice. Hey, let’s try a typical person. The first one is the fear factor session. And the second one, your body knows what to expect. So it’s a little more relaxed and it receives the process a lot better. Yeah. Yeah. So that that’s my two pack. And then as you complete those two within the week, you get a free complimentary normatec session, which is the compression session. What does that work best for? That is just good to just people with cankles for circulation and blood return, so I have nine year olds coming in for that.

Unknown Speaker 45:12
And 10 year olds, young athletes with growing pains.

Unknown Speaker 45:17
So we can be compressors are calibrated so I can adjust the intensity today I had an MS lady. I won one out of 10. And that was enough for her. Yeah, but then my athletes, they give me a 10 but I’m like, wait a minute, but if you have an injury or something 10 we’ll work our way up to a 10 if it feels good, but we don’t want you to scare it. So you go into a protective stance. I want this to be a relaxing, rejuvenating experience. Oh my gosh,

Unknown Speaker 45:49
you get people with like heart failure with that.

Unknown Speaker 45:55
Have congestive heart failure or heart issues that you’re not cleared for Exercise, you can come in if you have control high blood pressure. This will help reduce it. Just let your doctor know because you may have to change your medication.

Unknown Speaker 46:10
Yeah, because it will crease it.

Unknown Speaker 46:11
Especially if you’re going to do this for a period of time with any medication that you’re taking a multivitamin supplement you may not need as much because you’re not trying to feed a toxic system you’re you’re feeding. You know you’re fortifying a healthier system that doesn’t require so much you don’t need it oversaturate. So then I have so back to my intro packs. I have a five pack for my people that have more of a chronic

Unknown Speaker 46:42
making something or need a little

Unknown Speaker 46:45
bit longer time. Yeah, that’s what I got for the summer.

Unknown Speaker 46:48
Yeah, yeah. And it’s great for just

Unknown Speaker 46:52
a young athlete that

Unknown Speaker 46:55
has a screen or screen that when we Have a month to use the five and it’s for the price of two. So it’s 120 you have a month to use it so you double up so you can use that as much as you want. I like to double up that first week get two sessions in at least on that first week, just to kind of give you a jumpstart. It’s like the Z Pak antibiotics. You take. Take Yeah, and then.

Unknown Speaker 47:23
So then wean off of them. Yep. And then

Unknown Speaker 47:27
if you’ve

Unknown Speaker 47:28
finished all five, then you get a free normatec as well with that. Yeah, so that’s a little bit of an incentive to finish it within that five.

Unknown Speaker 47:38
And they are geared just to the whole body. They’re not interchangeable with facials or anything. Probably initial facial is half price. So it’s $30.

Unknown Speaker 47:47
That’s a nice way to test it and see and it’s not just for the ladies,

Unknown Speaker 47:51
everybody that I bought, I love it and then anybody that I’ve ever talked to,

Unknown Speaker 47:56
hadn’t done it’s just really loved it people Great.

Unknown Speaker 48:01
That’s again the month I was ematic for migraine so you don’t get migraines but I don’t get adjusted as much anymore either. So yeah, I need to get another doctor in here. But that definitely helped me that cleared pretty much cleared it up. And then I got just next day and it’s good to go. Yep.

Unknown Speaker 48:21
So, with you are wanting to try cryotherapy. I get some athletes that like to try and come in after a workout, their body is hot, they don’t come in after your body’s naturally cooled down. We could run you it’s gonna be harder to get you down to my temperature range that I want to get your skin temperature down to. It’s not going to be as therapeutic. Let your body naturally cool down because then you get the best of your workout. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 48:50
And if you have time to trial before your workout.

Unknown Speaker 48:56
What my athletes are doing like after practices all week They come like my force. Guys. I have one that worked for me. He would skate skate skate all week, Wednesday night, he would definitely jump in. And then it would give him gas for the games. And they’re travel Friday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. So that’s kind of how but if you’re gonna, if you’re gonna work out today, and you shouldn’t do prior before or after, do it before it’s gonna give you an extra zip in your in your and it’s gonna linger in your system long enough for a better recovery. Yeah, remember that? Yeah. Cuz I had one of the restaurants come in today and because oh, I just came in from the working out and I’m like, so you’re in a hot and I? And I said, well, could you do you want to go eat something? He goes, Yeah, actually, I’m gonna go eat after this. I said, Why don’t you come back? Because I want you to get the best benefit of this. And so he came back and he he was cool down to normal. Bye. Temperature them and had some fluids Tell me Oh to another nice helpful thing. So if you have like fibromyalgia, just chronic fatigue, just a funk, a migraine, anything that’s ailing you. If you want to try cryo come in hydrated and having haven’t been okay, just because this does speed up your metabolism and we are doing a toxic dump but if there’s nothing in your system and you’re not hydrated, it can be a bit of a head rush. So people like that are very sensitive, justifiably So, but it can make them think that they’re doing something wrong. So and I had to come in and I felt that myself at times

Unknown Speaker 50:50
but yeah, that’s why I started going back into because I was starting to burnt out in the

Unknown Speaker 50:55
care of myself. So right so people that have been dealing with chronic I try to have some sort for a period of time. Please come in hydrated and haven’t eaten something that day before. So that you’re not wishing you’d had. I mean, we we can give you a glass of water and I do that to someone like people that Oh crap, I didn’t probably drink enough today I just got off the board, blah blah blah. So I give them a glass of water after they get out of the dressing room in a row while we’re waiting for the sun have cooled down and they drink it down and then then they

Unknown Speaker 51:30
achieve their temperature goal. Yeah, so it’s a lot more fun. What’s the temperature goal?

Unknown Speaker 51:35
So you normally your temperature gun in there you see me shoot you. Your normal temperature if you’re not in flow, laser

Unknown Speaker 51:44
temperature gun,

Unknown Speaker 51:45
yes, laser. Oh.

Unknown Speaker 51:48
So if you’re normally running about 8687 degrees, but if you’ve got inflammation in the 90s I’ve seen it before. But then so in the sauna work Just getting you called a half a millimeter deep in your skin. So we’re cooling you down to like 30 between 30 and 50 degrees in temperature. And that is cool. But you’re not frostbite yet.

Unknown Speaker 52:12
Yeah, I’ll get it out and then I’ll usually be like, 40 Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 52:16
that’s my sweet zone right there right in that 40. Below 30. I’ve had people go below 30 it can be more painful. Anyway, run the risk of frostbite. Yeah, so some people don’t require the full three minutes. You’re still getting your money’s worth, because we’ve got you down to temperature. Some people’s money is we’re putting a student for free. Yeah, like okay, but that’s not the point. Yeah, yeah. So we want to get you between 30 and 50. So, that being said, some of my athletes

Unknown Speaker 52:51
they come in hot or some people just run hotter, warmer, that hotter. That’s not a word.

Unknown Speaker 52:58
So they were they So they’re in the full three minutes, but they’re still 5558 degrees. I’ve had some 65. So they’ve got something going on. So I let them warm up to about 75 normally is 86, remember? So I let them warm up a little bit and I put them back in for only two more minutes. Oh, you do. So I double dip. Yep, I’ve double dip so many of red hot guys and some other athletes that, you know, that are just higher octane type of thing. And so their metabolisms zing in some of my redheads, they run a little hotter. Yeah, I have to double redhead. It’s just some of the nuances that I’ve experienced over the years. But yeah, so double dipping. It isn’t awful. You warm up so I’m not putting you at instant risk of frostbite you know, doubling up on that but then we get you down to 40. That’s perfect.

Unknown Speaker 54:03
Okay, great.

Unknown Speaker 54:04
Well, I think we can probably wrap it up from there. And again, this is Pam Hi. Pam Britto, with glacial Creek with glacial peak cryotherapy. And thank you for being on our show. She’s open from 12 to five to

Unknown Speaker 54:23
five right now

Unknown Speaker 54:24
about five Monday through Saturday to five Monday through Friday, Saturday 930 in Saturday night to check her out. Her phone number is 701-532-0759. I would highly recommend it for anybody that is inflamed, has injuries, allergies, or any of the topics that we talked about today.

Unknown Speaker 54:48
Thanks for being on the show. Pam. You welcome bye bye

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